Mom of an Active Boy
Home base: Kennesaw, GA
Family life: Married to Chris, Mom to a young baseball star
Work life: Director of Social Content, Cindy Miller Communications
Age: 31
As the mother of a five-year-old boy, Erin Ellingwood is always on the move. As any parent knows, it’s pretty much non-stop from the time his little feet hit the floor in the morning until his head hits the pillow at night. That keeps Erin — who considers herself a “family athlete” — living an active life herself.
“We play, play, play all day,” says Erin. “We’re walking to the pool, playing soccer, walking laps around the baseball field. We make getting steps a natural part of our day.”
What is your favorite fitness event, and how do you pick your next event?
“No question about it: The Disney Half Marathon. What an experience! It was my first endurance event, and I felt so accomplished after the race. It was the first time I ever pushed myself like that. And who goes to a Disney Park after a half marathon? We did, of course!
I’ve done about a dozen 5Ks and three half marathons. Usually margaritas are involved in deciding to do a half — we’ll be out on a girl’s night and someone will say ‘Let’s do a half marathon!’ And somehow that seems like a good idea at the time …”
How do you describe yourself as an active person?
“I’m pretty much a family athlete. As the mother of a five-year-old boy, there’s not a lot of downtime. It’s soccer in the backyard, working out in the home gym, walking the trails, hitting the pool. We do family step challenges, and that’s always interesting with a child with a competitive streak like he has. My husband and I have to step it up to compete, that’s for sure.”

What’s your favorite way to get your steps in?
“When I’m choosing the activity, I’m a walker. I love walking with my friends and family. Exercise is important to everyone in my family and to most of my friends, too. My favorite spot to walk is the Noonday Trail in downtown Woodstock.”
Top 3 ideas to get your steps in:
- Volunteer to be the baserunner at baseball practice
- Walk to neighborhood playdates
- Do conference calls on the office walking desk
Favorite park to walk while kids play: Swift Cantrell Park
Favorite workout partner: Cecily
Favorite treadmill show: “Dead to Me”